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Tips On Buying Wooden Toys.

There are two types of wood that is commonly used when it comes to wood; hardwood and softwood. However not all wood is suitable in making toys. Popular wood used to make toys is maple, walnut, poplar, ash, and beech amongst many more. Fabulous wooden toys are imaginative and are have come a long way since their incepton. Here’s a few tips of buying wooden toys;

When to come to kids, there is no toy that is indestructible. A toy that is really firm does not stand a chance to this incredulous little beloved mischiefs. Therefore when selecting a wooden toy, it cannot be emphasized enough the need to pick one that is very skillfully crafted. Ensuring the toy is not harmful to your child in case of breakages, splinters and/or sharp edges.
Again age appropriateness of a toy is vital. Most toys come with an age limit indicated and if not there, seek guidance from the seller or check well the manufacturer’s products. Ultimately the final decision lies in you as the parent as you understand your child well.

Your child’s safety is not paralleled to anything. When making a choice for the wooden toy, a safe non-toxic finish is essential. There is a variety of choices when it comes to finishing but a toy with a finish that has been tested for lead is best. Edible finishes are also available in the market and usually these are also fine. Check also if the finish is affected by drool, ketchup, dirt so as to find the perfect fit that will you’re your child service.

What are the joints made with? Yet another important consideration. If there is no glue squeezing out between joints and the joints are clean then that is the best pick. Find out from the seller on the type of glue used on the wooden toy. Non-toxic glue is the only measure to apply when it comes to thinking of glue and of course one that resists moisture because of say like drool during use.

A smooth exterior on the wooden toy is a must. Splinters can cause serious harm to your child and this will protect him/her. Avoid any risk of injury to your child by ensuring the toy is sanded smoothly. Make sure the corners are well rounded whilst there are no sharp points or sticking out parts. Choking is a hazard with toys that have loose moving parts and this is very dangerous.

Lastly, ensure the toy you have picked will give your child motor skills, co-ordination and balance. A toy ought to make your child get active. Usually balancing boards are among the best for outdoor play. On top of checking for safety, durability and playability, also put thought into visual stimulation and noise.

These are the basic things to think of during a selection of a wooden toy. All in all, your child’s safety should top the list.

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