The Luxury Technology

The Luxury Technology

5 Key Takeaways on the Road to Dominating Animals

Advecta: Tips and Tricks to Protect Your Pets From Fleas Adult fleas are reddish-brown, laterally compressed, and wingless insects with piercing-sucking mouthparts to obtain blood meals from their hosts like our furry friends. Adult cat fleas remain on the host where mating, feeding, and egg laying happens and females lay up to 50 eggs a day. The development of larvae takes 8 to 15 days and they are described as long, wormlike, and hairy with the brownish head without eyes or legs, feeding on dried blood and excrement that adult fleas produce. Adult cat fleas may live up to 30 to 40 days on the host, flea larvae living up to 18 days, and restricted grooming activity allows adult female survival for 50 days. Flea management involves using new, safer, and effective products combined with proper pet grooming and thorough cleaning of indoor and outdoor environments. Controlling fleas requires different approaches and it is highest in places where cats or dogs regularly sleep. Flea larvae are less likely to be present in areas where there is exposure to sunlight and parts of the home where there is heavy pedestrian traffic. To maintain sanitation, it is important to clean all areas where your pet goes, so vacuum rugs, carpets, floors, crevices around baseboards, upholstered furniture, and cabinets everyday or every other day. Vacuuming is an effective method of killing flea larvae in the carpet, stimulating pre-emerged flea adults to leave their cocoons, and pick up adult fleas. Pet beddings should be washed with hot and soapy water at least once a week. Outdoor treatment products such as Advecta Yard contain an active ingredient like permethrin that can be sprayed in areas where your pets sleep and rest like kennel areas, beneath decks and dog house. Several types of flea treatment products are available in the market today for controlling fleas on cats and dogs like Advecta 3, containing imidacloprid, permethrin, and pyriproxyfen which is a monthly-spot on treatment to kill and prevent fleas, flea eggs, larvae, and ticks. Advecta Flea and Tick Dog Spray kills fleas and ticks on contact and it keeps killing up to 14 days, whereas Advecta yard is good up to 4 weeks. Special flea combs are used in removing adult fleas from the coat of pets, reducing flea breeding and promoting comfort. Depending on where you live and the climate you have, flea infestation can be a major problem, effective your pet’s health and comfort. You can check more details about Advecta Flea Treatment Products by visiting their homepage or website. Keep your pets flea-free with Advecta!How I Achieved Maximum Success with Dogs

3 Lessons Learned: Animals