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Pets Tips for The Average Joe

Prevention Of Fleas. The control of fleas has grown immensely over the years. A wide range of fleas controlling products are available in the market, and they range from pills to topical formulations. Pet owners are even confused by the various available products. Lufenuron flea medicine was introduced in the mid 1990’s. The need to control fleas led to the introduction of the medication which came in form of a pill. To some extent, the program medication was successful but had its limitation. The formulation worked by inhibiting Larvae from hatching. However, the adult fleas were not killed by this product. The flea was given time to die a natural death before a pet be could flee from the parasite. Sentinel was later introduced and contains a combination of both heartworm prevention and Lufenuron. Both program and sentinel medication, however, have not been able to efficiently control adult fleas. Effective medications have been introduced recently in the market. Flea controlling products that have recently been introduced in the market include Advantage, Revolution, and Frontline. The results a pet owner desires are the ones that determine what type of medicine he/she will buy. One of the topical medications that work by diffusing into the pet’s body is known as Revolution. The medicine is effective in both cats and dogs. It is efficient in controlling fleas, ticks, and heart worm diseases. The veterinarian should be the one to direct on the other conditions to be controlled by the medication. Revolution is also very effective controlling all forms of parasites. Guidance in applying the medication should be sought from an animal health practitional The need for veterinary guidance is the reason why it cannot be bought online. Tests such as heartworm test need to be conducted by a veterinary so as to determine the revolution dosage required by the pet. After the test then a form is filled requesting for a revolution dosage. Another form of topical medication is Frontline. The design of the formulation is suitable for both cats and dogs. The medication dosage also takes into consideration the weight of the pet. Ticks and fleas are killed by the Frontline plus formulation by coming into contact with it. Neither the eggs nor the larvae are spared by the formulation. Water does not affect the effectiveness of the medicine. Some types of shampoos which come into contact with the pet make the medication inefficient by neutralizing it. In order to ensure the medication is efficient even after bathing the pet, several things need to be taken into consideration. One of them is to consult with the veterinarian about a shampoo that will not strip of the Frontline medication. The other one is re-applying the frontline medication 24 hours after the pet has been bathed. The 24 hour period gives time to the skin for oil buildup. Oil helps frontline medication spread efficiently on the skin.Learning The “Secrets” of Resources

Pets Tips for The Average Joe