The Luxury Technology

The Luxury Technology

Looking On The Bright Side of Towers

What You Must Know About Cell Tower Leases

You should understand that it can be challenging to negotiate such cell tower lease, particularly when you and your legal representative don’t understand the telecom lingo. Well, you need to make sure that you are really getting a fair market value for the cell tower rate. There are many lawyers out there who are not quite knowledgeable of the cell tower leasing contracts or they are not able to help you about how to get the most cash from the cellular carriers.

There can be some situations that would come up when you are not familiar with the cell business and its lingo. The cell company would force you to agree to their terms that can later make you unhappy. The attorney could push you to not go for the deal. Another thing is that the cellular company would be negotiating for a different location.

In these situations, you won’t be getting that fair cell tower lease agreement. What you should know about the cell tower rates is that such cell phone providers would rather keep you in the dark. It is very important to know that their site acquisition contractors are actually getting big bonuses because of being able to implement such cellular tower leases that are below the fair market value. When the terms of the lease are quite in favor with the cell carrier, then the leasing agent would actually obtain bigger bonuses. These agents are paid higher if they would set up leases in which you are paid less.

You must understand that such is a common practice in many fields because of the reason that you live in such capitalist economy. But, when you like to be sure that you can get the best rate for the lease ,then there are a few things that you need to understand about this great opportunity.

In a lot of cases, the property owners would ask the cellular site specialist to provide them with comparative cell tower rates for their location. But, be aware that the cellular companies are also making use of the comparative pricing so that they will be able to convince you that you are actually asking for a lot.

You shouldn’t trust the leasing contract to the lawyers of the cellular company which is trying to negotiate with you. Actually, it is best that you have an honest and also knowledgeable help from one who is specializing in the cell tower leases. It would be best that you get an experienced negotiator regarding the cell tower rates.

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